Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) Tested Products
MASH presents uniform guidelines for crash testing permanent and temporary highway safety features and recommends evaluation criteria to assess test results. MASH updates and replaces NCHRP Report 350. This manual is recommended for highway design engineers, bridge engineers, safety engineers, researchers, hardware developers, crash test laboratories, and others concerned with safety features used in the highway environment.
Products addressed in MASH include longitudinal barriers, transitions, end terminals, crash cushions, breakaway supports, truck mounted attenuators, and work zone traffic control devices. The crash performance is judged on structural adequacy, occupant risk, and vehicle trajectory.

MASH Eligible Products from TrafFix Devices

Big Sandy Crash Barrel
The TrafFix Device “Big Sandy” is an Impact Attenuator Sand Barrel that is easy to move and provides external verification of the barrels correct weight.

Scorpion Trailer Attenuator
The Scorpion II TA from TrafFix Devices is the world’s first and only MASH Tested, Passed, and Eligible Trailer Attenuator.

Water Cable Barrier
The TrafFix Water-Cable Barrier has been MASH Tested, Passed and Eligible at TL-1 31 mph (50 km/hr) and TL-2 43.5 mph (70 km/hr) levels.

ADA Wall
The TrafFix ADA Wall is a modified version of the TrafFix Urbanite with special ADA compliant barricade legs.

Scorpion Truck Mounted Attenuator
The Scorpion II TMA from TafFix Devices is the world’s first MASH Tested, Passed, and Eligible Truck Mounted Attenuator.

The Sentry Longitudinal Energy Dissipater (SLED) is a narrow, water-filled non-redirective gating crash cushion that is a MASH Tested, Passed, and Eligible.

Urbanite Barrier
The TrafFix Urbanite creates a continuous hand guided safe passage through workzones.