
Bulletproof patch for alligatored areas

Water is the enemy of pavement preservation. It’s crucial to stop water from getting to the subbase, where it could cause the underlying pavement condition to worsen.

Designed to waterproof and protect flat alligatored areas, SuperPatch is a line of precut 2.3x3ft road patches with either 3/8 or 1/4 aggregate on a rubber backing.

SuperPatch is sold by the pallet. There are about 120 mats per pallet for the 3/8 chip size, and 180 mats per pallet for ¼.

Use SuperPatch in conjunction with your crack sealing program to safely and quickly preserve more of your road.

Benefits of SuperPatch

Aggregate ensures good skid resistance

More permanent solution than alternatives

Quick and easy to use

Simple addition to your crack sealing program means you can fix more of your roads in one go

Ease of Use

SuperPatch makes it easy to address alligatored areas while crack sealing. It can also be used on top of filled potholes in order to help keep the material in place.

We recommend the following steps to applying SuperPatch:

  1. Clean and dry area
  2. Apply composite sealant to area
  3. Place patch on road
  4. Apply pressure by stepping on patch
  5. Seal edges with composite crack sealant

Multiple patches can be applied next to each other to cover a larger surface area.

CalTrans District 6 has had SuperPatch Down for 3 years in heavily traffiked areas, including stop bars at the entrance to freeways. Below are pictures from SuperPatch installation on HWY 198 near Hanford.

For maximum lifespan and effectiveness, we recommend installing SuperPatch with composite sealant. Australia places SuperPatch down with composite sealants and has had patches down for 8+ years.