PASS® QB Texture Seal
PASS Outperforms The Competition
The PASS QB Texture Seal with BSA-35 Anti-Skid Surfacing is a pavement preservation process that maintains and improves the current condition of the road, and keeps skid values at approximately the same level, if not improved. The pavement condition is preserved and improved by PASS QB while the Texture portion of the seal is our Jet Black, BSA-35 Anti-Skid Surfacing.
California’s premier Pavement Preservation Center confirms PASS out performs competition by years. Competition fails within months whereas PASS is still performing two years later. PASS QB outperformed the competition in every category, hands down. Find more information about this report and other reports, please refer to the California Pavement Preservation Center website.

Anti-Skid Texture Seal
BSA-35 Anti-Skid Surfacing is not a sand or an aggregate, rather it is a highly refined, very hard, very heavy, very abrasive grit. Unlike sand, BSA-35 Anti-Skid Surfacing is embedded into the emulsion by being placed on the road immediately after the emulsion is spread.
In addition, BSA-35 has a high specific gravity which allows the grit to sink into the emulsion (still in the wet phase), instantly becoming part of the seal. BSA-35 has a flat, jet black color, which not only improves road safety, but also the look and color of the roadway.
PASS QB is applied at a rate of 0.08 to 0.13 gallons per square yard, then our BSA-35 Anti-skid Grit is instantaneously embedded at a rate of 0.5 to 0.7 lb. per square yard into the PASS QB emulsion using our emulsion spread truck. The BSA embeds without any compaction or subsequent treatment process. Cure time is approximately 1.5 to 3 hours depending on weather conditions, and no sweeping is necessary after placement.