Tire Rubber Modified Surface Sealer "TRMSS"

Tire Rubber Modified Surface Sealer Revolutionizes Road Longevity & Ease of Placement at Less Cost.

TRMSS delivers a beautiful matte black finish with outstanding film thickness, leading to much longer lasting roadways and overall agency satisfaction.

So what is TRMSS?

TRMSS stands for Tire Rubber Modified Surface Sealer. It is a road sealer made of approximately 25-27 recycled tires per lane mile. The formulation is very unique in that it provides amazing UV protection, incredible durability, and a single coat is all your road needs to look new again at a fraction of the cost of replacing the damaged roadway.

Compared to Fogseal, TRMSS coating is much more substantial

With single shot/spread rates up to 0.24 gallons per square yard, the cured film is not only tougher than conventional fog seals but substantially thicker on all sides of the aggregate face. The roadway now has an even look and color from all angles of view. All facets of the road aggregate are evenly coated.

Keeping your road looking newer LONGER + skid resistant

There are many factors that contribute to a new surface treatment wearing off the top of the rock surface (Traffic load, UV, Water). With TRMSS ability to be spread up to 0.24 gallons per square yard, the rock coverage is the best the industry has seen. We have many customers saying how TRMSS applied makes their once old roadway, look like it was just paved with hot mix asphalt, and at nowhere near the same expense.

TRMSS Passes wet track abrasion like a slurry seal

TRMSS is fuel, oil, and UV resistant. The beautiful black long lasting color is designed to deliver long term customer/residential satisfaction.

TRMSS made this older road look new again and will keep it looking that way for years to come.

Dan Roberts
Maintenance Superintendent

Where To Use TRMSS

Primarily for use on highways, highway shoulders, city streets, county roads and airports. TRMSS can be applied over chip seals and raveling slurry seal to lock in loose aggregates.

Like GuardTop’s other products, TRMSS is easily applied. Prior to sealing, the pavement surface should be cleared of any excess dirt and debris and any and all asphalt repairs should be completed.

Recycled tire rubber improves UV protection, adhesion, and keeps an outstanding black color for years to come.

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Special Offer

To learn what can be done to beautify your roads, we are offering a FREE Road Analysis of a specific roadway of your choosing. Limit 1 per customer.

Wouldn’t you like to know what your options are for enhancing the life of your roads?

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